Okay this post may not be everyone's cup of tea/coffee/milo/bundaberg, but it is one worth thinking about.
My family and friends know that I love them. Why? Because I tell them on a very regular basis. In fact my husband and I say "I love you" at least 5 times a day! No exaggeration here. I never used to do this until my mother died.
I remember the last hug that she gave me when she sat in her hospice bed. It wasn't a normal hug. In fact it was a hug that hurt me, but I took it and didn't want to let her go. It was as if she was using her last ounce of strength to give me a 100 hugs that would last for the rest of my life on this earth.
A couple of days later, just before 4am, I watched as my mom took her last breath. It was just me and God in the room that moment and I got up and went over to her bed. I whispered "I love you mom". It was the last thing that I said to her before she passed away.
A very wise, old friend of mine told me that people tend to say amazing things about people at their funerals, but hardly tell them face to face. So true.
I had to answer a question the other night: "What is love?" (everyone else got the easy questions like "are you afraid of dying" and "what do you do when you get jealous?")
I had so many things going around in my head and of course when I'm put on the spot I tend to say things that sound good for the moment - later on my mind goes "why didn't you say this instead?" Just the way I work I guess! Talk now and think later.....duh...
So I guess this is just a challenge. Do the people around you know that you love them? Do they know that you want the best for them? Do they know that you are their biggest fan? Do they know that you believe in them?
God told me and my husband very clearly that we do not fight for what we believe in - we fight for WHO we believe in. A very powerful statement that has totally revolutionised the way we live our lives and treat people.
It's easy to assume that the people around us know how we feel about them. "But they know that I love them" is often a thought that crosses our minds. Some people only know that they are loved because they are told - ie their love language is words (other love languages include: touch, gifts, acts of service, spending quality time with them). If our love languages are one or more of the above then we can't assume that people just 'know' that we love them.
We must show and tell.
So now for some loving:
To my Jesus, my God I LOVE YOU.
To my husband Tim I LOVE YOU.
To my family Dad, Ruth, Kate, Jess and Raymond I LOVE YOU.
To my heroes Symon and Kristy I LOVE YOU.
To my special friends (you know who you are) I LOVE YOU.
We love Him because He first loved us. Now to love a world that doesn't love Him or us...!
Love you Dad
2 months ago
And I love you my Nina xxxxoxoxoxox
Mom would be so proud of you.
Such a personal moment - thank you VERY much for sharing it.
I love you Nins
i honestly think you should write a book! your wisdom goes beyond most of the rest of us... thanks neen. love u lots :)
Whoa! Thanks Nina...
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