Well Nana Nina's devotionals are back (after moving into a new house which hasn't got the phone working yet! COME ON RICHARD!!)
So I learnt a life lesson the other day while peering out of my kitchen window. I've decided not to waste food, but use it either as compost, or of course to feed the hungry birds outside my window. I've discovered at least three different kinds of birds and they all like bread (well mouldy, crusty bread, but they don't know that! Dumb little cute birds....)
Okay so I threw a whole heap of bread out the window, some on the grass and some right by the window, and then I waited.......
After a little while there was a bird party happening on my back lawn! I watched in wonder as my new little feathered friends sat on the wooden fence and looked at the bread. I didn't get it? There was so much food there for them but they just sat there on the fence!! What's wrong I thought?
I then remembered that the the tenants beforehand had a cat!
Oh, it all makes sense now! These birds were used to sharing the hood with a feline. No wonder they didn't want to move. I wanted to tell them that it was okay. That it was safe. That there was nothing to worry about. That I wouldn't hurt them. That this was a safe place to be and that I wanted them to come! But I can't speak bird (even though I try, believe me. My neighbours by now think I'm a nutter!)
So I stood there and watched them, and thought to myself, "am I like this God?" Am I afraid of what I think is still there (old fears, previous failures, things I can't control?) And just like I wanted those little sparrows, miners and wax-eyes (aren't I smart to name three kinds of birds? Yeah I know...) to come and feast - so does our wonderful Father, want us to come and feast. To know that it's safe. To know that the 'cat' won't hurt them, cos He is near. To know that with Him there really is nothing to worry about!
I continued to watch and one little brave sparrow took a dive and started devouring. The other birds followed suit. It only took one to take the plunge before the others felt they could do the same. That little sparrow made me think of our great pioneers who we have in our midst. The ones who when no one else is brave enough to start something, or to dive in when there may be danger or risk - DIVE in for the sake of their peers!
Man I love these birds!
"Aren't you worth more than the sparrows....." ~Father, God
Love you Dad
2 months ago
You need a cat... and if I was 'man-sick' then giving birth is a piece of cake ;-)
Another awesome post Nins!
yup you're definitely smart!
Wouldn't it be funny to watch a whole heap of birds take on and deal to a cat! Not that I don't like cats...i just really go for the underdog.
ooooh - what about the other thought though of them getting too confident and maybe a bit reckless or lazy and not being watchful for real danger... to be continued in Nananina's devo part 2 (hehe)
Hey Neen. Thanks for this post. I've been battling with "past hurts" this week and this really made me think.
Wise words lady, wise words :)
Symon - 'man-flu' vs dislocated shoulder....I vote for dislocated shoulder being the closest to childbirth...
Rachel Kate - thanks for the smart comment - it must be cos I eat Smarties!
Lesmond J - Yes go the underdog! I've been dive bombed by Miners before and it's darn scary!
Kristy - yes I do agree with your comment! Part 2 is on its way...
Crazy bunny - so glad to hear that you were encouraged by this blog. I will email you with some news soon! :)
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