So we've been living in our new house for just over a week now and I've discovered a few quirks about this old house:
-Our washing line squeaks like a rat coming off caffeine - probably cos it sits on a hill and is on an angle.
-Our front door likes testing our muscle strength - of cos Tim (the Nephilim) loves this cos he doesn't have a problem opening the door!
-We have this creepy downstairs basement, including a small hideaway which has been spray painted with Metallica and ACDC signs (don't worry I have great plans to turn this little room into a prayer room!)
-And this is the cruncher - our toilet has issues!
Yep our toilet has issues and it's turned into a blog!
Now this house is old and I was expecting a few little quirks but I'm sure that this toilet has a mind of its own. You flush, you go, and it decides to keep filling up with water and making that 'after flushing' noise (which in the middle of the night makes you wonder if someone in the house has the runs!)
So we called the plumber - cos plumbers fix toilets of course. He comes round, has a look, pokes a few things and flushes the loo. We both stand there staring into the toilet bowl waiting for it to do its thing.
He then looks at me (with that male "I know things that you don't cos I have a toolbelt" kind of look) and says that there's nothing wrong with our toilet and that the buttons might occassionally stick when we flush.
And of course the toilet was working cos the plumber was there. He walks out of the bathroom laughing and on his way out the front door he says "It's okay, I have to go to a place every Friday, cos their pipes only leak on a Friday."
So I go to test the loo and no it's not fixed at all! Back to it's naughty self all over again. It was just playing nice when the plumber was there.
I even tried to fix it lastnight after been given a washer from an elderely man who attempted to teach me all about the anatomy of toilets! (I'd rather be shopping honestly). Nope the old washer in the toilet was just fine and dandy and I could hear Mr Toilet (yep the toilet is a guy I've decided) laugh at me again! "You can't fix me, you can't fix me! Ha ha ha ha...."
Little does Mr Toilet know, that I'm going to call my dad in! Yep cos my dad can fix ANYTHING! Oh you wait Mr Toilet - you've got it coming to you!
So my lesson from this exhilerating experience is this my friends:
We have things in our lives that we can't fix. None of us are exempt here. Whether it's a hurt, a physical healing we need, an emotional pain or a relational issue - sometimes we can't fix these on our own. We call in a professional even like this plumber. And maybe it's a pastor, or a friend or even a counsellor or a doctor that comes to our aid - but to no avail.
We're left wondering. Will I always battle with this? Will this always be a part of my life? The enemy comes in with his lies and says "You can't fix this, you can't fix this! Ha ha ha ha...
But our father can fix anything! In fact I wonder why we don't go to Him first? Sometimes He allows us to exhaust every other means before we realise that it is only Him who knows how to fix us.
I love the words of that song we've been singing lately:
And I know that You're alive
You came to fix
My broken life...
Oh there's going to be a showdown in that bathroom - and I'm going to win!
Love you Dad
2 months ago
well done Neen! Beautiful blog. I'm feeling a bit flushed after reading it tho...
tehehe reminds me of the troubles i've had with my toilet. and ur so right, dad's can fix anything! and if they can't, then it's not worth fixing...
I so know the look you're talking about....but I have to let it go.
I had the coolest thing happen today Neens, can't wait to tell you, but the big Mr Fixit of major fixes, did this massive fix on me. Cool aye??
Tell you later...
Ha - love this post Nina... only I find it hard to relate as my Dad won't touch anything to do with plumbing! hehe - oh well.
Our Dad/s rock!
This is so funny!!
I also have a toilet like that. Because we rent the house calling the plumber means calling the leasing agent first. And every time he came the toilet was as good as gold!!
Eventually I called my dad and asked him to come take a look... He fiddled around and got it working :)
Dads ROCK!!
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