A song that came back to memory tonight:
Little boxes on a hillside
Little boxes made of ticky tacky
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same
There are red ones
There are green ones
There are blue ones
There are yellow ones
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same
A cute fun song back in the day, but looking at the words now it kinda has a more sinister meaning - "And they all look just the same".
I've been packing boxes over the last couple of days for our big move this weekend. And I've come to realise that you can label your box with a big blue pen, you can pack it right, stack it right, transport it right, but you still don't really know what's inside that box until it's opened! "Ooh be careful, don't drop that one - it's fragile! I think it's fragile. Does it have fragile on the box? I'm sure I packed glasses in there. Or was it books...."
Yes even me, organisational queen (according to husband), still can't figure out what I've put in there!!!!!
So back to that creepy song.....
Have YOU ever felt like you're in a box? Like everyone has you figured out? They've put a label on you. They know your likes or dislikes. What turns you on or off. But all they see is the box. The red, green, blue or yellow colour made out of the same stuff as them.
I wonder sometimes what we'd all look like if we were turned inside out. Spirit and soul on the outside for a change - now that's an interesting concept! Your dreams, your fears, your hopes, your failings - all there for the world to see. Yikes. But then, also reality and freedom rolled into one.
Have you ever looked straight into a persons eyes when talking to them? You can see so much more than just eye balls and lashes. Sometimes you catch a teeny glimpse of wonder. A flash of a dream. A glance from a miracle. I dare you to search deeper than the 'boxes' you see around you. What's inside is more valuable and so much more precious than anyone will ever realise - although, God has already figured that one out!
My other thought on this, is to let people in. Obviously you can't go around having a deep and meaningful with every single person you talk to! In fact please don't do that!! But what I'm saying is, let YOU be the person they see. Not the 'label' on the box. Not the humanity that encloses the masterpiece, but the real you. Your vulnerability can bring freedom, healing and wholeness to others. And it also gives people permission to do the same.
Little boxes on a hillside...
Love you Dad
2 months ago
I know exactly what you mean about the boxes!! With our move I decided it was a good idea to label the boxes from the kitchen... "Kitchen Stuff". Brilliant hey!! Not thinking I'd need anymore detail than that.. ha ha - boy was I wrong :)
On the upside ( and there usually is an upside....if you look hard enough)
Every box you open is like "Surprise!"
neen you're on fire! you so need to start a daily devotional... :) keep it up
What on earth is 'ticky tacky'?
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